Dock Installed at Birch

After much planning, a bit of delay for delivery, and what for the most part was a flawless execution, the new casting dock has been installed at Birch pond. The dock is located near the lagoon end close to the point. The photo below shows the location although neither the T – shape is nor scale is correct in the view below.

The dock was manufactured in Minnesota and shipped to the New England Dock and Supply Company in Terryville,  CT. The site preparation was done by Ed Ustico and Scott Simko. It took three installers less than 4 hours to assemble the dock, float it across the pond and anchor it in.

The dock was installed in late May and it’s ready for you!

New Birch Dock Location

Pre-install site work
Floating Away! (row, row,row your boat!)
Photo: Ken Sabol

Great new area that will have some grass growing, at some point. Thanks to all members who collectively contributed their assessment fee. The club mandated the fee this year specifically for the funding of this addition to our club facilities. This is an investment in only part of what makes LTC such a great place.